Monday, May 3, 2010


Ok folks...DH and I went to Panama for the wedding of a family friend and while we were there we got to enjoy some very tasty local flavors. By far our favorite was the steak we had at a wonderful little chain restaurant called Leños y Carbon. This grill had some of the best steak I have ever eaten! The meat cuts were fantastic, and the marinade was a new flavor for me that tasted like heaven! The basic recipe is simple, and you can adjust it to taste, but I would recommend going heavy on the flavors and in your marinating style.

8 cloves of garlic, minced (heres where those little hand graters make your life much easier)
a bunch of cilantro or parsley (I like cilantro, but it tends to be a very polarizing herb)
3/4 a cup of olive oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar

Make sure your herb is clean, dry and then very finely chopped-use the food processor if you have to, then whisk in your other ingredients. Add in a couple of pinches of dried oregano and plenty of salt and pepper and even some red onion if you like. My first preperation could have used more garlic and salt (both of which I skimped on for safety. The salt helps tenderize your meat so be liberal with it. Marinade your favorite cut of beef, pork, or chicken in this delectable green sauce! If you want, make it a red sauce by adding tomato and red pepper, give it a kick with jalapeño, whatever your heart desires! I plan on experimenting with it a bit by adding thyme and lemon for pork (instead of the oregano and vinegar). The most important ingredients in the sauce are the herb, oil, and garlic, the rest is fluffing to taste. Prep this in bulk ahead of time, because the longer it sits, the better it gets, and once you've worked out your favorite version you'll use it again and again!

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